1 Snowflake Bentley

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Snowflake Bentley

Written by Jacqueline Briggs Martin

Illustrated by Mary Azarian

Reviewed by Grant W. (age 7)

Snowflake Bentley

This book is about a little boy who loves snow more that anything else in the world. His name is Willie. When other kids were making snow forts and pelting snowballs at roosting crows, Willie was catching single snowflakes in his mittens. He was so fascinated by every single one of them. At sixteen Willie read of a camera with a microscope. He thought it would be wonderful to take pictures of snowflakes with this camera and study them. Did Willie ever get his camera? You will have to read Snowflake Bentley to find out.

I liked this book because it is really interesting. I love how they put lots of details in the story. It is a non-fiction book. This book is one of my favorite books. I have always liked snow just like Willie.

I suggest this book to kids in Kindergarten through adults. If you want to learn about snowflakes you should read snowflake Bentley.