1 Froggy se va a dormir

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Froggy se va a dormir

Written by Jonathan London

Illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz

Reviewed by Angelica C (age 8)

Froggy  se va a dormir

The book Froggy goes to sleep is about a mischievous frog. Froggy does not like to go to sleep he does things to avoid going to sleep. The things he does are takes a bath, eats, plays with his toys, and brushes he teeth. Froggy?s mother wanted him to go to sleep. His mother decided to read Froggy a book so he could fall asleep, but instead Froggy?s mother fell asleep first. When you don?t want to go to sleep what things do you do? Read this book to find out what to do if you do not what to fall asleep.

This book reminds me of when my mother tells me its time to go to bed. This book also reminds me of another book named Froggy gets dressed. I think this is the best book in the world. When I am reading this book it makes me feel happy.

I recommend this book to all elementary school children. I recommend that children read this book because it is a very funny book. This story is also a good one for all the children that do not like to go to sleep when their mother?s tell them to.

Original Student Review In Spanish

El libro Froggy se va a dormir es de una rana muy traviesa. A Froggy no le gustaba ir se a dormir. El hacia cosas para no ir se a dormir. Las cosas que hacia son ba?arse, com?a, y jugaba con sus juguetes. Tambien se lavaba los dientes. Su mam? queria que Froggy se fuera a dormir. Lo que hizo su mam? es que le leo un libro a Froggy pero ella se cuedo dormida primero. Cuando tu no te quires dormir ?que son las cosas que tu haces para no ir a dormir? Lee este cuento para saber que hacer.

Este libro me recuerda a cuando mi mam? me dice ya es tiempo para ir a dormir. Este libro tambien me recuerda a El libro de Froggy se Viste. Yo pienso que este libro es el mejor libro del mundo. Cuando leo este libro me hace sentir feliz.

Yo recomiendo este libro a todos los estudiantes de la primaria. Recomiendo que lean este libro por que es muy chistoso. Este cuento es bueno tambien para todos los ni?os que no les gusta ir a dormir cuando su mam? les dice.