1 The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

Written by Kate DiCamillo

Illustrated by Bagram Ibatoulline

Reviewed by Emily M. (age 10)

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

One day on Egypt Street there was a china rabbit named Edward Tulane. He didn’t love anyone but himself. Edward was loved by a little girl named Abilene. One day, Abilene, Edward, and Abilene’s parents went on a voyage to England. Two boys, named Martin and Amos were on the voyage, too! Abilene thought they were annoying. Suddenly, Edward was tossed overboard. A few years later a a fisherman brought Edward to a little house. There was an old lady there, too. The man gave Edward to her. They live together for a long time. Edward really listened to the old lady and the fisherman. Then, he was found in a dumpster, and a dog gave Edward to a hobo. They were together for a long time. One day a lady found Edward on the ground and took Edward home. The old lady used Edward as a scarecrow. A boy named Bryce gave Edward to his sick sister, named Sarah Ruth. She had a very serious illness. Their father was very mean and almost broke Edward. Later, Sarah Ruth's illness got worse. Bryce and Edward moved to Memphis to make money. Edward woke up on a shelf in a doll shop.

This book has a lot of changes in setting and characters' emotions. The genre is fantasy. This is my favorite book because it made me have a lot of different feelings. I was happy and then sad, and I was even mad at some characters. Sarah Ruth is my favorite character because she was the kindest to Edward, even though she was very sick. At the end I almost cried from joy! My opinion of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is that it is a good book because it had a lot of emotions!

I recommend this book to 4th and 5th graders because it is a challenging book. Also, I think it will be a really good book for adults and for people who like adventures.