Cupid Doesn't Flip Hamburgers
Written by Debbie Dadey
Reviewed by Marc B. (age 7)

This story is about the Bailey School Kids who are trying to find out if a woman who works in their lunchroom is a cupid!
The lunch lady makes crackers that have love potions in them. Almost everyone in the school eats the crackers ? everyone except 3 kids who figure out that the lunch lady is actually a cupid. A cupid is usually an angel that shoots arrows at people to make them in love with someone else. This cupid looks a bit different though. Then 2 of the kids decide to make their own potion to stop all the loving in the school! They put their potion in the cookie bowl that the lunch lady uses. You have to read the book to find out what happens.
My favorite character is Eddie because he does things that are inappropriate and make me laugh. For example he puts peanut butter on the banister of a stairway in school and everyone who touches it gets sticky hands! In all of the books in this series, Eddie is always making trouble.
This book is part of a series. Most of the books are mysteries. I really like mysteries because they interest me. I like when I have to figure things out in a story. All the books have spying in them.
I recommend this book to readers that like to spy and love mysteries.