Sarah, Plain and Tall
Written by Patricia MacLachlan
Reviewed by Lauren C. (age 9) & Danielle E. (age 9)

Ever since Caleb and Anna's mother passed away they've been lonely. So Papa wrote a letter and sent it to the newspaper for a new wife. A response came from Sarah Wheaton. She arrived in the springtime, but will she stay?
Sarah, Plain and Tall won a Newberry honor award. We recommend this book to people who have lots of interest in how life used to be a long time ago and how hard life can be on the prairie. If you liked "Little House on the Prairie" books then you might like "Sarah, Plain and Tall" because in both stories they live on the prairie. When we read this book, it made us feel sorry for Anna because it took her three days to love Caleb because when he was born Anna's mother died. The lesson learned in this story is no matter how different people are they can still love each other.