Mermaids Don't Run Track
Written by Debbie Dadey
Illustrated by John Steven
Reviewed by Tyler S (age 7)

This is a story about a track team and their coach, Mrs. Waterford. The main characters are Eddie, Howie, and Liza. Mrs. Waterford has a wonderful secret. If you read this book you will find out what it is and you will figure out what the title means.
My favorite part in this story is when Eddie and Howie sang "Row row row your boat gently down the stream, throw your teacher overboard and listen to her scream." Another part that I liked was when Liza did not sing with them. They were on a school bus to a track meet. When they all got there they saw Mrs. Waterford who was their track coach.
Eddie was kind of mean at the beginning of the story and a lot nicer at the end. This book is part of a series called The Bailey School Kids. When I read it I thought it was awesome because Liza reminded me of my sister, because she's bossy and always telling people what to do. This book talks about how things change.
I would recommend this book for a 7 or 6 year old because it is a mystery. I would not recommend this book to a Kindergartener, because it would be too hard for them.