Mud Skippers
Written by Nick Bishop
Reviewed by Ryan H (age 8)

A Mudskipper is a fish that can walk on land and can climb. They eat insects and flies. They fly in the sea. This nonfiction book tells all about them.
My favorite thing is when the Mudskipper jumps up into the air. It showed it in slow motion, but in real life it goes really fast. I like that the book taught me about Mudskippers. My favorite character is the Mudskipper. I liked this book, because I like to learn more about fish.
My favorite fact that I learned was that mudskippers are a kind of fish that can live outside the water, but they do have to live close to water.
The pictures in the book were all photographs and I liked that, because they are more realistic. I got to see what a mudskipper really looked like.
I would recommend this book for 2nd graders who like to read about things that are true, especially interesting fish.