Dear Children of the Earth
Written by Schim Schimmel
Illustrated by Schim Schimmel
Reviewed by Bradyn S. (age 8)

This book is about Mother Earth and our animal brothers and sisters. It is written as a letter. Schim Schimmel gives us a message, which is not to hurt Mother Earth because earth is our only home and imagine what life would be like with no animals on earth. For example, where will the birds fly when the sky is poisoned and where will the fish swim when the oceans are too dirty?
The pictures are very descriptive and colorful and he painted them himself. The book is unique because it gets very meaningful right away! I love this book because it uses very powerful sentences like, ?I love to hug you with my warm sunshine, tickle you with my wind and kiss you with my rain.?
I recommend this book for all ages because it is fun to read. I would say this book is great because it is easy to read and has great pictures.