1 The BFG

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids


Written by Roald Dahl

Illustrated by Quentin Blake

Reviewed by Brian S. (age 9)


"All giants are drinking frobscottle," This is just one of the funny quotes in The BFG. The BFG is a book about a big, friendly giant (BFG), who captures Sophie, a little, orphan girl. The BFG keeps her hidden in a cave till Sophie has to go back to England. The lesson to be learned is just because you are bigger doesn't mean your better.

I think BFG is a terrific book because it is half adventure and half comedy. My favorite character is BFG. His inability to speak proper English causes him lots of problems. Sophie changed from being a scaredy-cat at the beginning of the book, to being able to control her fears at the end. This book reminds me of the time things were stolen from out car. It was a scary and frustrating time for my family. I can understand how Sophie felt when she was stolen from the orphanage.

I recommend this book because it is very funny. Both boys and girls will like it. The characters Sophie and BFG will hold with their silly adventures.