1 But No Elephants!

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

But No Elephants!

Written by Jerry Smath

Illustrated by Jerry Smath

Reviewed by Amanda S (age 7)

But No Elephants!

There once was a grandma named Tidly who had a lot of work. One time a man came along and wanted to sell her some pets. She bought a bird, a beaver, a turtle and a woodpecker, but no elephants! The bird sang a song for Grandma Tidly. The beaver chopped wood for Grandma Tidly. The turtle carried Grandma Tidly on his back. The woodpecker nailed the ceiling so it would not leak anymore. The pet man came again and said, "Would you like to buy an elephant?" Wouldn't you like to find out if she buys the elephant?

My favorite part of this book was when the turtle carried Grandma Tidly on his back. My other favorite part was at the end when there were games and drinks, and a whole bunch of elephants were there. My favorite characters were the groundhog, the turtle and the bird because they were cute. The illustrations were very colorful, the pictures are neat and pretty. What I learned from this story is to let everybody play!

I would always recommend this book to people who like good illustrations because the pictures in this book tell a lot about the story. You should read this book because it can really teach you a lesson about letting everyone play. I think everyone would like this book because it is a good, fun story.