Super Fly Guy
Written by Tedd Arnold
Reviewed by Dylan S. (age 8)

Fly guy goes to school with Buzz. In the beginning, Miss Rose the lunch lady gets fired! The next morning, the new lunch lady Miss Muzzle makes burnt peas. The next morning Fly Guy goes to school again. Miss Muzzle gets her fly swatter. She tried to hit Fly Guy but she kept missing and food splattered all over the kitchen. Then the boss came and fired her. The next morning Miss Rose was back! Buzz and Fly Guy were happy. The lesson of the book is to be respectful.
Super Fly Guy is enjoyable. One of the characters names is Miss Muzzle. Also, all of the characters are enjoyable. It’s a funny book because of the grossness. In Super Fly Guy, Fly Guy goes to school with Buzz. They went to the lunch room. The lunch lady gave Fly Guy gross food. Then the boss came and fired the lunch lady, which was so funny.
I think people who like to solve problems and people of all ages would like to read this book.