Crime Biters: My Dog is Better Than Your Dog
Written by Tommy Greenwald
Reviewed by Lilly L. (age 9)

Ahhhhh!!! That dog just bit me! Come on a fun adventure with Jimmy and Abby in Crime Biters: My Dog is Better Than Your Dog by Tommy Greenwald.
To begin with, this story was about a dog named Abby and a boy named Jimmy. Jimmy has been wanting a dog and his dad finally agrees and they get Abby. Abby is a little strange though. She sleeps all day and likes to stay up at night and has really long fangs! She seems to be a vampire dog! Jimmy’s friend Irwin thinks he’s crazy! But eventually, they form an organization called the Crime Biters. The Crime Biters find bad guys and turn them in. Abby is the reason they started because she first finds a real crime happening and gets Jimmy to help her stop it. Through all of this she also helps Jimmy become friends with a girl.
In addition, I loved this book because it made me laugh every chapter. The funny parts included the funny dog videos Jimmy watched and all of the crazy vampire dog jokes. It was also very relatable and interesting. I thought it was relatable to me especially because I have a dog and I always thought it was a crime fighting vampire dog just like Abby. I found this story to be interesting because normally you don’t read about crime fighting vampire dogs. Most dog stories have more normal dogs that help humans. I think Abby is the best dog ever, well, besides my dog!
In conclusion, I think this is a perfect book for kids that are 7 and up. I definitely know I loved this book and I think you will too. Stop what you are doing and go check it out today!