Kizzy Ann Stamps
Written by Jeri Watts
Reviewed by Sheila F. (age 9)

Wow, I see Kizzy Ann Stamps likes to write letters to her teacher a lot. We almost never write letters anymore. We use email in this day and age! This book is called Kizzy Ann Stamps and it was written and illustrated by Jeri Watts.
This is about a girl named Kizzy Ann Stamps and she is starting to attend an integrated school. At this school, people started at the scar running down her face. Kizzy Ann writes lettes to her teacher all the time as a way to express herself in the most honest way. In the story, Kizzy Ann and her Collie dog, Shag, want to enter in dog trials, but will they be able to enter? Kizzy Ann starts to train Shag so they are prepared in case they are able to enter in the dog trials. I think the lesson in the book is that you can do anything no matter what color you are.
My favorite part of the story is how Kizzy Ann and Shag came in third place in the dog trials after everything they had been though and with all the tough competition they faced. They never gave up! I liked this part the best because it taught me that no matter how difficult something is, with hard work I can accomplish anything I choose to do. Kizzy Ann reminded me of myself when I was a new student at Laurel Oak Elementary. I had to make new friends. I tried to fit in as best as I could, and I really had to work hard at it, the same way Kizzy Ann had to in her new school. As I was reading the book, it made me think about how wrong it is when people judge others based on color and not on their personality. It made me wonder if the world would be a happier place without so much discrimination.
In conclusion, I think this book would capture the interest of kids between the ages of 7 and 10. This book would also be enjoyable for people who like reading fiction books that are set in a historical time.