Your Pet Gerbil
Written by Elaine Landau
Reviewed by Matthew K. (age 9)

Wow!! You can do many cool things with gerbils. You can buy them extremely fun cages to challenge them and many more. You can read Your Pet Gerbil by Elaine Landau to find out more.
To begin with, the book tells about a gerbil and how it can be a good pet. It explains how a gerbil is a small pet about the size of a hamster. It can happily live in a small house or apartment in a cage with all of its needs. They don’t need lots of room to run around and play like dogs or cats usually need. They’re really intelligent and curious animals. They can be held real easy too! They make good pets for young kids and are easy to clean up after.
In addition, my favorite part of the book is when it explains what kind of home you should have for you gerbil. I didn’t know there were so many amazing kinds of cages. As I read the book I was thinking I might want a gerbil. They seem to have a pretty easy life and are always taken care of! This book reminds me of my dog Charlie. They are both so soft and furry and both make the perfect pet.
In conclusion, I recommend this book for kids 8 and older because it is nonfiction. This book is for people who like soft and furry animals and people that like to learn about animals.