Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul
Written by Jeff Kinney
Reviewed by Erik G. (age 9)

Did you ever have a bad trip? If you did, you should read Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul Jeff Kinney.
In the beginning of this story, the parents surprise the kids and they are going on a trip. Greg is the main character who is writing in his diary. He always seems to be having problems. Soon, the family trip turns into a disaster! One of the funny parts is when Manny, Greg’s little brother, flushes himself down the toilet. And he also almost gets in a different car than the family! Other funny things happen, even a car accident, even though that doesn’t sound funny! Greg is of course miserable for most of the trip.
In addition, my favorite part is when seagulls go into Greg’s car. This is my favorite because this is how the accident happens! Greg reminds me of myself because he gets teased by his older brother. I get teased by my brother too…all of the time! Also, an exciting part of the book is when a pig bites Greg because he is trying to get a binky from the pig! It shows how everything Greg does seems to end up in some kind of problem. This book is part of a series of diary books. They all tell of the crazy things that happen to Greg.
I recommend this book to all kids ages 7 to 11. Also, anyone who likes funny books should read it!