Super-Completely and Totally the Messiest
Written by Judith Viorst
Reviewed by Emma P. (age 9)

“Gross!” Are you messier than your brother or sister? Well, if you are than I prefer you read Super-Completely and Totally the Messiest by Judith Viorst.
To begin with, a girl named Olivia is super neat. Olivia has a big brother who sort of neat, but not a huge slob. Then there’s the little sister named Sophie and she’s the messiest of them all. Olivia tries to teach Sophie how to be neat, but when Sophie tries to be neat, she’s always messy! On example of her messiness is when I read how Sophie loves her hair, but when her mother combed it, she found two birds! On Mother’s Day, Sophie tried to make her mom breakfast in bed, but her messiness always gets in the way.
In addition, Olivia reminds me of my older sister. She reminds me of my older sister because my older sister is way neater than I am. My favorite part of this story was when Sophie’s mom bought a new car and Sophie spilled multiple things. The things Sophie spilled were little bags of ketchup, some fries, one hamburger, and an entire cup of soda. I really found the characters in this book interesting. I found all the characters interesting because every character is just like the members of my family.
In conclusion, I think kids 6-9 years old should read this book. They will have a fun time reading about Sophie!