Alien in My Pocket #1: Blast Off!
Written by Nate Ball
Reviewed by Emma P. (age 9)

“3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!” You should go on an adventure like Amp and Zack in your library and try to find this book called Blast Off: Alien in my Pocket by Nate Ball.
At the beginning of the book, a boy, Zack McGee, found an alien in his room. Zack was very frightened. The alien was tiny, blue, and of course a boy. Next, Zack gets bullied on the bus and finds out that Amp has mind powers. Then, Amp gets loose and Zack try’s to find him. Zack tried to find him by asking the teacher if he can go to the bathroom, but then he gets caught by the principal and misses class. Then, Zack, his friend Olivia, and Amp make a huge mess after school in the science lab, but they still get the pieces they need to fix Amp’s spaceship. Next, they get Amp’s spaceship fixed and were proud of themselves, but after he lifted off, Amp’s spaceship fell back toward Earth. Finally, Amp told them that his planet Erde wasn’t going to invade earth for about 119 days.
My favorite part of this book was when Amp hypnotizes Max and makes him “kookoo”. This was my favorite part because of the funny things Max says. You can find out what Max says if you get the book. (P.S., it’s on chapter 7, titled “Bus Breakdown”). My favorite character is Olivia. She is my favorite because she seems like the boss and the brains of the story. As I was reading this book I felt excited. I felt excited because I always couldn’t wait to find out what was going to happen next like when the alien crashed onto Earth and I didn’t know if he’d get back to his planet.
I recommend that everyone get this awesome book. It has good details and it’s very funny. I bet you will laugh at things throughout the book!