Captian Underpant And The Terrifying Return of Tippy Tinkletrousers
Written by Dav Pilkey
Illustrated by Dav Pilkey
Reviewed by Phong T. (age 8)

Boom! Captain Underpants has arrived! Go to the future by reading Captain Underpants and the Terrifying Re-Turn of Tippy Tinkletrousers with author Dav Pilkey.
To start with, the main characters, George and Harold are on their way to jail! Tippy Tinkletrousers goes back in time to destroy Captain Underpants once and for all! Tippy goes in time exactly 5 years, 11 days, 14 hours, and 6 minutes ago. Harold and George are in Kindergarten because it is the past. They did not like school because they would always get bullied by 6th grade Kipper Krupp. The nephew of the principal, Mr. Krupp (who is Captain Underpants, but not yet because it’s the past). Because Harold and George didn’t invent Captain Underpants until they got to the fourth grade, they have to fight this bully by being smart. They create a ghost that gives wedgies and eventually Kipper and his gang become nice to everyone. Harold and George are ok and they are able to get older and Captain Underpants will survive.
In addition, my favorite part is when George gave the bullies a spank. I liked it because I thought it was funny. It was funny because it had spanks in it. My favorite character is George. I chose George because he was the one who caused my favorite part with the spanking. Another reason is because he is really funny. George is also an interesting character and is like me because he is smart. He’s smart because he learned reading, writing, and math when he was only four years old. I also liked to learn things when I was really young.
In conclusion, I like this book a lot because it’s funny. I feel like this book is awesome! I recommend this book for ages 7 and up.