1 Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Gold Coins

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Gold Coins

Written by David A. Adler

Illustrated by Susanna Natti

Reviewed by Phong T. (age 8) & Lucas O. (age 9)

Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Gold Coins

“I’ve been robbed!!” Come solve the mystery in Cam Jansen the Mystery of the Gold Coins by David A. Adler.

One fine day, Cam and Eric were walking to school with their science fair projects. Then they got to their school and set up their science fair projects, and then they walked away and all of a sudden Cam’s project was gone!! They saw through the window a man running away with Cam‘s science fair project. They ran outside and chased him through the woods till he dropped it. Earlier that morning, the man had exited the coin shop they were walking past. They soon realized that the coin shop had been robbed!! Cam and Eric work hard to solve the mystery and find out who did these robberies.

In addition, we liked this book a lot. We liked this book because the mystery was fun to solve with Cam as the detective. Our favorite part is when Cam and Eric chase the man with Cam’s project through the woods. We liked this part because it had lots of action. Our favorite character in the story was Cam. Cam was our favorite because she can remember things very well. This is because she has a photographic memory so she uses it to keep pictures in her head.

In conclusion, we recommend this book for ages 6 and up. If you like mysteries, this is the book for you!