Stuart Little
Written by E.B. White
Illustrated by Garth Williams
Reviewed by T.H.S (age 9)

Ready to read a story about an adventurous mouse and very protective parents? Stuart Little is a mouse living in New York City with his parents, an older brother named George and a cat named Snowbell. One afternoon Mrs. Little found a bird on the windowsill it seemed dead. She took it in and placed it by the radiator. The bird popped up to Stuart’s room and introduced herself “My name is Margalo. I come from the Vales of Meadow Sweet and I love to whistle”. Stuart and Margalo became instant friends. One day Stuart went out of the apartment and saw a dog. He was scared so he hid in a trash can. He ended up getting carried into the garbage truck and dumped into the East River. He thought of his family and then started to cry because he thought he was going to die and never see them again. Then he heard a voice. He looked around and saw Margalo. She started to fly and Stuart grabbed onto Margalo’s feet and they flew home. Meanwhile, Snowbell the cat told his friend that he was living with a bird and a mouse and that he did not like them. His friend came up with the idea to kill Margalo. A pigeon overheard this idea, so he wrote a note and slipped it by Margalo. The next morning, Stuart found Margalo missing. Read the book to see what Stuart’s adventures are like while he is on his journey looking to find Margalo.
I like this book because the characters are easy to relate to and so lovable like when Stuart went down the drain to find Mrs. Little’s lost ring. This book reminds me of Charlotte’s Web because the main character, Wilbur, is an animal and Stuart is an animal too. I loved reading this book because the pictures were so detailed and beautiful.
I recommend this book to ages seven and up because the font is a bit small and some words are a little tricky to read. This book is truly wonderful and I loved it. I read it three times.