A-Z Mysteries: The Jaguar's Jewel
Written by Ron Roy
Reviewed by Jake C. (age 9)

Do you mysteries? Well, if you do The Jaguar's Jewel is the perfect book for you. Through the extraordinary pages of this book you will find clues, suspects, red herrings, and many more things. In this book, Dink, Josh and Ruth Rose visit Dink's uncle in New York. A special jaguar is brought to New York and it has a jewel in its paws. Everybody is very happy, but when Dr. Pitt, the inspector, notices it's been swapped for a fake, Dink's uncle is one of the suspects. Will Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose be able to prove that Dink's uncle didn't do it? You'll have to read the book to find out.
My favorite part of the book, The Jaguar's Jewel, is when Ruth Rose find the jewel in the fish tank. This is my favorite part because her fortune cookie said she will find treasures and it came true. I also liked this part because it was really unexpected to happen. I think the character, Dr. Pitts, is interesting. I think Dr. Pits is interesting because he was suspicious throughout the whole book. He was always sneaking around and was near the jewel a lot. Throughout the whole book, I felt interested, curious, and suspicious. I kept on wondering who did it and where is the jewel. I had to really think hard and watch out for traps to figure out they mystery.
I recommend this book to 2nd – 4th graders because every clue, suspect and red herring is exciting and interesting. This book will take you on and adventure, so read it now!